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Use Natural Methods To Control Pest In your Garden & Home

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Always Use Natural Means To Control Your Pest!

It is always a challenge to control pest in our garden and home. Unfortunately, for most people the easiest option  is to use conventional pesticides to get the job done. As research has shown, this is not the best way to go, but many continue to invest in this approach. Read the article below to get more tips on how to control your pest more effectively.

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Natural and Organic Pest Control in the Home and Garden

There are many different types of pest that can invade your home and make life uncomfortable or even dangerous. From contaminating food to causing structural damage, even tiny pests can do a large amount of harm. They can also carry disease, and make you feel afraid in your own home.

There are many different ways of preventing or removing infestations. The specific method will depend upon the type of pest you have. Rats and mice are going to need a very different approach to Hornets or wasps. Yet whatever the pest, and whatever method is used to exterminate them, it is important to pay attention to the impact of pest control upon the environment. When used incorrectly or irresponsibly, many pesticides can harm other animals or plants than those they are intended for, which could mean that you end up reducing the number of friendly and harmless animals in your garden.

Thankfully, there are many natural and organic pest control options that can be used in the home and garden to ensure they are pest free. These methods are perfectly effective, without causing damage to the environment.

Non-toxic methods of pest control

The aim of clearing your home from pests and vermin is to provide you with a clean and safe environment. It is therefore not much of an improvement if you are harmed by the pesticides you are using to protect yourself. Many pesticides can be harmful to humans, particularly young children, as well as household pets. Using non-toxic methods protects you and the environment, making them a sensible as well as a safe choice.

One effective non-toxic method of pest control for killing insects is diatomaceous earth. This is perfectly harmless to humans, and can be sprinkled on areas where cockroaches or ants are often seen. Diatomaceous earth is made up of tiny particles which, when crossed, slice open the exoskeleton, causing the insects to dry out over one to two days. As they dehydrate, ants and cockroaches will seek out sources of water, so you may find that insect sightings increase after the treatment has been applied.

For individual sightings, it is worth having a spray bottle filled with soapy water nearby. Spring this on to ants and cockroaches will kill them, making this useful for getting rid of the occasional unwanted visitor. It is always worth killing the odd bug, as social animals like ants will report back to the colony if they find a place with ample food supplies.

You can also try specific traps, such as light traps or sticky traps for nuisance insects, as well as lethal or nonlethal rat and mouse traps. These allow you to target and deal with only the vermin, without harming other animals, insects, or plant life.

Biologically friendly pest control

Many methods for eliminating pests can have the unfortunate side effect of doing damage to nonthreatening plant and animal life. Just because you want to remove one infestation from your home or garden doesn’t mean you want to kill off all types of plants and wildlife! Most people will naturally choose the most potent pesticide or prevention method in order to quickly and effectively deal with their pest problems. However, there are many biologically friendly ways of managing pests that can do significantly less, or even zero, damage to anything else in the surrounding environment.

A more environmentally friendly method of pest control is to start with the…….

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